Tutu for Tutu Day to take place on 22/02/2022 to honour Desmond Tutu’s lifelong work and raise funds for the Tutu Foundation UK

Feb 2, 2022
Iconic PR

Tutu for Tutu Day


Celebrating community, connectivity and compassion

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, fondly known as The Arch, was an inspirational leader who dedicated his life to the fight against inequalities, racism and injustice. It is hard to sum up his impact on the world in a few words. His sad passing in December 2021 touched many lives around the world. 

The forthcoming date of 22/02/2022 is a special, once in a lifetime date, where we will be holding a Tutu for Tutu fundraising event for the Tutu Foundation UK to honour the special Archbishop and his lifelong work. 

“Do your little bit of good where you are: it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Although the event will be taking place on 22 February, individuals can plan their events at any time. From a group of colleagues wearing a tutu to work, to a sea swim wearing tutus, to baking a Tutu themed cake, you can hold your fundraiser however you like.

Fundraising ideas

See how your donations are being utilised by reading the following documents:

Ubuntu Round Table Project: https://tutufoundationuk.org/ubunto-round-tables-project/

Reducing Community Conflict - The Ubuntu Approach: https://tutufoundationuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/19-09-01_-_UBUNTU_POLICE-YOUTH_RT_FINAL_REPORT_-_BS_no_markup.pdf

For more information, please visit the Tutu for Tutu webpage.  

To donate to the Tutu Foundation UK, please click here

To keep up to date with events and news, please follow us on:

Facebook: @TutuFoundationUK

Twitter: @TutuFoundation

LinkedIn: The Tutu Foundation UK

Instagram: TutuforTutu